Jason Uwaeze

I'm a


I am a Nigerian-American 3rd year PhD student at Rice University. Before graduate school, I grew up in Austin, TX, graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2021 and worked as a software developer shortly after. In 2022 I worked with the IBM Research Tech4Justice team, in Yorktown, New York, on creating a more autonomous and systematic way for evaluating Large Language Models such as BERT and GPT3. Currently I am advised by Dr. Vladmir Braverman, with goals to utilize computer vision algorithms to solve healthcare related problems. I love traveling and eating all kinds of cuisines, and learning about new technologies.


MICCAI 2025 Paper
MICCAI 2025: Debiasing Chest X-ray datasets with latent interpolations by Jason Uwaeze, Pranav Kulkarni, Vladimir Braverman, Vishwa Parekh [Code]
Comp 646
ASAIO 2024: Machine Learning Assisted Stroke Prediction in Mechanical Circulatory Support: Predictive Role of Systemic Mitochondrial Dysfunction by Jacob P Scioscia, Ivan Murrieta-Alvarez, Shiyi Li, Zicheng Xu, Guangyao Zheng, Jason Uwaeze, Carl P Walther, Zachary Gray, Katherine V Nordick, Vladimir Braverman, Alexis E Shafii, Gabriel Loor, Camila Hochman-Mendez, Ravi K Ghanta, Subhasis Chatterjee, O Howard Frazier, Todd K Rosengart, Kenneth K Liao, Nandan K Mondal [Paper]
MDPI 2024: Automatic Active Lesion Tracking in Multiple Sclerosis Using Unsupervised Machine Learning by Jason Uwaeze, Ponnada A Narayana, Arash Kamali, Vladimir Braverman, Michael A Jacobs, Alireza Akhbardeh [Paper] [Code]
IEEE ISBI 2024: Active Lesions Tracking using Diffusion Probabilistic Models by Jason Uwaeze, Ponnada A Narayana, Vladimir Braverman, Michael A Jacobs, Alireza Akhbardeh [Paper][Code]


Comp 646
Teaching Assistant @ Rice University: I will be a teaching assistant for Comp 646: Deep Learning for Vision and Language course taught by Dr. Vicente Ordonez [Course Website].
Clinical Imaging Scientist @ Genentech: I will be interning at Genentech next summer, working with Dr. Seyyedeh Qazale Mirsharif and Dr. Alexandre Fernandez Coimbraon. I will be leveraging vision and language models to improve the efficiency of phase I and II clinical trials!
AfroTech conference 2024 Scholarship awarded by the National GEM Consortium [AfroTech][GEM]
Idaho National Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory: Summer of 2024, I interned at INL! I worked Dr. Fei Xu and Dr. Tiankai Yao on understanding nuclear materials using Computer Vision based Algorithms!
[Lab Website][Paper comming soon...]
Neurology Journals 2024: My work on Automatic Active Lesion Tracking using Unsupervised Machine Learning was accepted and presented at the American Academy of Neurology [Conference]
NASA IWS 2024: Work on Development of an Automated Algorithm for Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter Measurement Using Transorbital Ultrasound was awarded best poster [Conference]
BMES 2023: Active Lesion Prediction in Multiple Sclerosis Using Artificial Neural Network was accepted for Oral Presentation [Paper] [Conference].

PhD Student @ Rice University

I am actively looking for Fall 2025 internship opportunities...

  • Age: 24
  • Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Email: ju6@rice.edu
  • Internship: Actively Looking

Research interests include the application of Computer Vision in healthcare, natural images, and nuclear energy. Specifically, I'm looking to explore the application of generative models on medical data and bridge the gap between highly interpretable and accurate deep learning models. Also interested in image manipulation and image forensics. Hands on experience with various machine learning and generative models such as ANN, CNN, Diffusion, and GANs.


I have a strong interest in working in the computer vision and generative space post graduation

Papers Documentos

Projects proyectos

Work Experience Experiencia laboral

Organizations organizaciones


Research and Analysis: Proficiency in conducting thorough research and analysis. Reading and understand SOTA methods (e.g. journals, databases, repositories)
Technical Skills: Proficiency in programming languages (e.g. python, html, and linux), batch high performance computing cloud infrastructures, and CUDA enable training
Problem Solving: Ability to identify research limitations, create research questions and meaningful insights (e.g. Demonstrate critical thinking)
Attention to Details: Careful or meticulous in conducting research. Ability to pay attention to small details and organize findings
Time Management: Ability to prioritize tasks, handle multiple projects simultaneously, and meet deadlines.
Data Visualization: Ability to present research findings, especially to a non technical audience. Create visually appealing and informative slides, charts, and diagrams.

The following is a graphic showing progress in mastering each skill, 100% being I've completely mastered it

Research and Analysis75%
Data Visualization 90%
Technical Skills80%
Problem Solving90%
Attention to details80%
Time Management70%


Jason Uwaeze

PhD student and former software engineer. 2+ years of experience in computer vision, machine learning, and software development.

  • 6100 Main St, Houston, TX 77005
  • DH 3108
  • ju6@rice.edu


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

2022 - Present
GEM Fellow

Rice University, Houston, TX

Focus is in machine learning and healthcare. Hands on experience with computer vision models, specifically using ML and CV to improving disease treatment outcomes. Rising interesting in generative models, like GAN's and Diffusion Models, and their role in generating synthetic medical images and data.

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science

2019 - 2021
GPA: 3.85

University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

Graduated magna cum laude in December of 2021. Completed 4 internships, 3 hackathons, and was also selected to be on the 1st All-Texas Academic Team in 2019 by the University of Texas and awarded a professional scholarship by the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Professional Experience

AI Research Intern

June 2025 - August 2025

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID

  • Leveraged 2D and 3D patched-based CNN models for 3D reconstruction and segmentation of nuclear material in FIB tomography images
  • Achieved mean F1, recall, and precision scores of 0.84, 0.83, and 0.86, respectively
  • Utilized class activation maps to understand model behavior and choose an optimal error function for material characterization
  • Developed a framework for systematic registration of sparse images using Segment Anything
  • Implemented diffusion probabilistic models for FIB Tomography image translation tasks
  • Advisor: Dr. Fei Xu

Graduate Researcher

2022 - Present

Rice University, Houston, TX

  • Leveraged supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to predict post-contrast T1w MRI images given a set of images and segment multiple sclerosis brain lesions.
  • Created a deep learning approach to future stroke prediction in patients with CF-LVAD implantation using both tabular and imaging data.
  • Hands on experience with NLDR, ANN, CNN, TabNet, SMOTE, and CTGAN.
  • Advisor: Dr. Vladimir Braverman, Principal Invesitgator: Dr. Alireza Ahkbardeh

AI Research Intern

2022 - 2022

IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY

  • Developed a systematic way for evaluating Large Langue Models (LLM) for fairness and bias.
  • Created Workbench where developers can run prompts that will run against a fill-mask task, fine-tune their models against a new dataset.
  • Hands on experience with LLM's, transformers, huggingface api & platform
  • Principal Investigator: Rogerio Abreu de Paula

Software Developer

2022 - 2022

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Dallas, TX

  • Utilized Azure technologies to manipulate and move client data.
  • Hands on experience with Azure technologies, Databricks platform, and creating data pipelines


Here is a collection of my projects and side-projects. More work coming soon...

  • All
  • Papers
  • Code
  • Awards


Besides being a researcher, I am also a graduate student ambassador and pathways mentor for graduate and postdoctoral studies office at Rice University. I enjoy sharing my experiences with community college, undergrad, and graduate students. Especially those who identify with underrepresented minority groups.

Please reach out if you need help with following services:


Provide insight into computer science and technology related jobs. Provide personal experiences applying to graduate school and applying for tech internships.


Discuss my research interests and how it relates to current trends in computer science. Suggest machine learning related papers and projects. Connect you with other researchers.


I've worked as a software developer and as a student researcher and can provide lessons on what I've learned. I can also provide tips on how to not make the same mistakes.


I am disciplined in football, running and weightlighting. I was offered to play football at Texas A&M Commerce, and can share details on high school football recruitement. Most importantly, we can discuss how to be disciplined in college.


As a GEM fellow, Toyota Research Institute (TRI) fellowship recipient, and former research intern, I can provide my experiences applying for scholarships, fellowships, and internships.

Imposter Syndrome

One of my most difficult and rewarding experiences in life, is being a minority in tech and school.
I'd love to connect if you are dealing with imposter syndrom or just trying to fit in.


I have met some amazing people over the years. Here are some of the things they have to say about me.

Jason’s commitment to computer science is reflected in his responsible, motivated nature and a strong work ethic, which stand at the core of his professional attributes. His continuous pursuit of peer feedback demonstrate his dedication to excellence.

Adan Mireles

Applied Physics PhD Student
Rice University

Jason has great communication skills! His excitment for his career and research is contagious,
and motivates me to be a better student. Jason is a friend that I'd like to keep, and a person everyone should meet.

Victoria Okanlawon

Dental Student
University of Texas

When I'm around Jason, it seems like were always laughing! There is never a dull momment between us. I respect Jason because he never gives up, even when I tell him that its time to move on, Jason will say his shoes are untied.

Dereck Ezika

Financial Analyst
Abbott Laboratories

I know Jason as a smart and motivate person. From working out in the mornings to staying late on campus, I can see Jason's tenacity and eagerness to get better.

Lul Sharif

Chemistry PhD Student
Rice University

I've know Jason for 4 years and two words I'd use to describe him are honest and generous. He would sleep on the couch to make sure I had a bed to sleep on.
Jason has helped me in more ways than I can count. Jason is more of a brother than a friend!

Chris Edwards

Crowe LLP

Jason is a friend of mine in the Rice CS PhD program. He is highly committed to his studies and research. Beyond his work ethic and technical skills, Jason is great at communicating with his colleagues. Outside work, he is very personable and always fun to be around with.

Tiancheng Xu

Computer Science PhD Student
Rice University


I am actively looking for internship and collaboration opportunities. Please contact me if intrested.


6100 Main St, Houston, TX 77005

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